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Emotional and Relational Foundations of Human Advancement: Volume III

Suresh Kumar Maran


In this volume, I propose the philosophy of scientific Relationism. It is structured theory built on the understanding from the first two volume. I also develop deep insights from advanced physics the understanding the universe work. It is a framework of self and relationship principles designed based on the first two volumes to help maximize the performance of a society such as material, psychological quality of life, and long-term survivability of humanity. I propose three basic principles of Scientific Relationism. These principles explain purpose of life and management of relational structures as needs and wants. From the three principles, I deduce various applied principles. I discuss relationship principles for improving interpersonal relationships, organizations, community-individual relationships, family relationships, etc. I discuss problems in government, business, and academia, and how to make progress in them. Finally, I list and discuss briefly the current critical problems in the world and ultimate goals for humanity to achieve. As of now this volume puts many of the ideas in a structured format so that it can be easily understood and applied to various situations. This volume is only a trial edition. It needs to be extended by further research work. It can be extended extensively so that it applies to as much life situations as possible.